It is already one month since we celebrated the launch of the Olympus PEN E-PL8 in Greece at the #PENPARTYGREECE. Since then I had the time to play a little bit around with the camera and now it is time for a review. As you know I am using the Olympus PEN since around 2 […]

If you followed me on Instagram you probably saw that I spent the weekend in Greece for the Olympus PEN E-PL8 launch at Nikki Beach Porto Heli. Under the hashtag #penpartygreece, influencers from all over Europe flew to Greece to test the brand new Olympus PEN E-PL8 camera. The event took place in Greece in […]

Hello!! September was such an expensive month, i invested in a few technologic stuffs for the blog and wanted to show you what i use/need for blogging beside my computer. First thing i really needed was a new phone since i lost my very old iphone 4 a few weeks ago. I went of course […]

#AmandineFashionWeekXGalaxyS5 is the hashatg i used on my social media this week to report about my very own Berlin Fashion Week. I used the hashtag because it is a cooperation with Samsung. For the entire fashion week, Samsung gave me to try, a Samsung Galaxy S5. I am not a phone expert so i will […]