

irene neuwirth federicca retore mattia cielo jewelry jewels

Hello!! a few weeks ago while looking for furnitures for my new apartment i discovered those website where all products from several online shops are featured. I have to say it is very practical!! i found most of my furnitures via those website and got things i would never have found if i would have stayed on all classical websites like Ikea, Roomz etc.

Now i am addicted and i also started to look for clothes and shoes. While looking around, (here on Styles you love) i discovered 3 jewelry brands i absolutely love. All three brands are super expensive and completely out of my budget but i love the jewelry so much, everything from these brands is so stunning that i though i would share.

1 & 2 – Irene Neuwirth
2 & 4 – Federica rettore
5 – Mattia Cielo

All via Styles you love