A few weeks ago, together with a few other influencers, I took part in a flower workshop to create 3 bouquets, one for me with my favorite flowers, one that is autumn inspired and one for a friend.
During this fun workshop we got introduced to the power of flowers. Everyone knows that a woman love to receive flowers but did you know that brand new scientific studies prove the real effect favorite flowers have on people? If you offer someone their favorite flowers, it was proved that you make them 200% more happy. A fun fact that I could observe a few hours later when I gave one of the flower bouquet I made to one of my friend. She suddenly had such a radiant face. Knowing that fact, I will try to offer flowers more often from now on.
If you want to know more fun facts about favorite flowers, you can take part in the Neuroscience Experience – The Science of Flowers workshop the 8th October from 2pm until 8PM that is part of the Favorite flower Gallery in Berlin that will take place in Berlin from the 6th of October until the 19th of October.
Indeed, the creations we did, under the themes personality, autumn favorites and love & friendship will be part of the Favorite Flower Gallery in Berlin. Our flowers bouquets will be exposed as artworks in the gallery and it will be possible to take part in flower workshops.
Here is the Schedule:
Favorite Flower Gallery Berlin
Gipsstraße 11
10119 Berlin
6.-9. October
Theme : Personality
8. Oktober: Neuroscience Experience – The Science of Flowers (public, free)
10.-14. October
Theme : Autumn Favorites
11. Oktober: Flower Crown Workshop (public, free)
15.-19. October
Theme : Love & Friendship
15. Oktober: Exklusives Flower Dinner (Winning game, head over to Tollwasblumenmachen.de to discover what to win)
* ADVERTISEMENT – Article written in collaboration with Blumenburo Holland